Someone’s Home

Someone’s Home | Premiere: 2017, Bialik House, Tel Aviv

“Someone’s Home” is the question asked, and the answer received when we enter an empty house. Upon entering the home of Haim Nahman Bialik, the question, the answer and the void left are filled with a newfound meaning. Bialik House welcomes its inner demons and invites you to come and meet them, in a musical and theatrical journey through the house and life of the national poet.

Urban legends say that Bialik’s home is one of the most active haunted houses in the world, showing many cases of supernatural activity, and providing endless evidence of ghosts lurking about. Naturally, “Someone’s Home” is using the helpful ghosts, to allow a renewed acquaintance with the acclaimed poet, his creation, the residents of his house and his dark secrets.

The poems have been carefully selected to accompany the tour of the house, in consideration of their original meaning. The theatrical performances of the poems, the compositions and arrangements are all weaved into the different characters and the revealed details of Bialik’s life and residence in Tel Aviv; his famous hospitality, the grief over not having children, his beloved dog Kappi, the strict housekeeper, secrets and forbidden love affairs and the yearning for a pure source of inspiration, opposing the success and a life of wealth.


Poems: Haim Nahman Bialik | Direction: Idit Herman and Ariel Bronz | Original Texts: Ariel Bronz, Tzvi Petrovski | Original Compositions: Bezalel Borochov, Yoni Tal, Rotem Katz | Musical Arrangements: Bezalel Borochov, Rotem Katz | Costumes and Styling: Roni Shukrun and Idit Herman | Choreography: Artour Astman | Main Curator and Museum Manager: Ayelet Bitan Shlonaki | Production – Bialik House: Sivan Lustgarten | Production – Clipa Theater: Zoya Bronstein, Daria Prost

Original Cast: Bezalel Borochov (Bialik), Anael Blumental (The Poet’s Wife), Yoni Tal (The Housekeeper), Adi Paz (The Misstress), Tzvi Petrovski (The Poet’s Dog), Rotem Katz (The Troubled Artist), Michal Katzir (The Bird).


Press (Hebrew)
Review on Ynet
Review on Photour
Review on TimeOut
Review on Yekum Tarbut
Review on Bekivun Haruach
Interview with Idit Herman on Channel 1 (15:30 forward)

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