Reconstructing Game

Reconstruction Game | Premiere: 2005, Israel Festival, performed on the cement wall and entrance to Jerusalem Theater

With mind’s weakness
And lust’s power,
The laziness in seeking wisdom
And the hastened chase of wealth.

Reconstructing Game is a puzzle of theatrical pictures, an extraordinary combination of dance, acting, clowns, acrobatics, lighting, live music, breathtaking apocalyptic images. It takes place on a scaffolding construction designed to look like a colony of rooms and chambers, inhabited by different characters. Each chamber is a separate frame in the total picture. Each story seems to happen in a separate world, but the actions of one character in his chamber has a crucial affect on the life of his neighbor, and sometimes on the whole colony.

The audience is watching the vertical performance like a live fresco. The meaning is drawn within the relation of the actions in the different chambers: if one person is sleeping in his room, his dream is seen in the other. A simple action, like washing a room, can create a surreal storm and rain scene in the chamber bellow.

Concept and design: Idit Herman, Dmitry Tyulpanov | Co-creators and original cast: Idit Herman, Taketeru Kudo (Japan), Dirk Kunesh, Alexei Markoshev (Russia), Adriano Miliani (Italy), Dmitry Tyulpanov, Susanne Ohmann (Germany) and members of Clipa Theater | Composition and musical performance: Dirk Kunesh, Sanjay Kumar Sharma (India), Dmitry Tyulpanov | Light design: Uri Morag | Costumes: Nili Tirkel | Commissioned by Israel Festival, in collaboration with creators and artists from around the world

“They excel at creating moments of grotesque humor, which are gently pushing in the direction of satire, or perhaps even in the shadows of something more serious, macabre.”  – The Herald

“Clipa Theater is the leader in inventiveness … a wonderfully creative production, with the ability to surprise nonstop” – Evening News

“There’s a gentle and sophisticated movement here, along with incredible rich design and beautiful lighting – and everything is connected through impressive music.” – Yediot Achronot

“Mystical, breathtaking beauty” – Haaretz

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